Ironcad compatability
Ironcad compatability

ironcad compatability
ironcad compatability

In context design - Traditional CAD systems create what is called a feature tree that captures the order in which the features were combined to create the model.IRONCAD provides both methods of building models but allows the user the freedom to select the one that would give him the most productivity. Drag and Drop - Drag and Drop of basic geometry features from pre built catalogs allows models to be built faster than with the current CAD approach of first building a profile, and then performing some operation on it.The Creative Design approach delivers the following key benefits to the user. With IRONCAD the user does not have to concern themselves about which constraint scheme to adopt instead they can focus on the conceptual design issues leaving the parameterization until later in the design process. In the early stages of a design it is hard to know exactly what constraint scheme would work the best. This freedom of choice allows the user to apply the best design approach for the job at hand. The power of Creative Design is in the freedom it gives the user to choose when and where to apply a traditional parametric approach. The freedom to load another's design and modify it without fearing the unexpected.The freedom to change ones mind without having to rebuild the model.The freedom to choose when and where to apply design intent and constraints.The freedom to design without the end in sight.The IRONCAD difference is the increased productivity and design freedom experienced when using IRONCAD's new and Creative Design approach.Ĭreative Design can best be described as: That's a big statement - and yet is it as true today as it was when IronCAD was first first developed. The result is a solid modeling solution that is more productive in Creative 3D Design than any of today's leading CAD systems.

ironcad compatability


IRONCAD was engineered from the ground up with visual drag and drop concepts at its core, intuitively extending familiar Windows concepts into 3D. It allows a new user to be productive after only a few days while allowing unprecedented productivity for the experienced user. IRONCAD, since its introduction, has received many awards because of its innovation in the areas of 3D design. It provides a fresh alternative to today's history based parametric only systems by providing the additional capability of a radical new drag and drop 3D environment that delivers unmatched ease-of-use, and superior productivity. IRONCAD is the tool of choice for design engineers when deadlines are tight and a high degree of unanticipated change is to be expected. It utilizes a breakthrough Creative Design approach that delivers a level of design freedom unmatched in the industry today.


IRONCAD is the productivity leader when it comes to moving creative ideas into full 3D reality.

Ironcad compatability